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About Bird Banding :


Bird banding, or bird ringing, is essential to bird conservation, and the banding of millions of birds annually worldwide contributes greatly to the study of birds' habits that can lead to a greater understanding of their needs.


What Is Bird Banding?


Bird banding is the process of attaching a small metal or plastic band around a bird's leg in order to identify individual birds from the band's unique number.

Banding has been used for centuries, with the first bands being used on falconry birds or other captive birds so they could be identified and returned if they were stolen or strayed from their owners. Today, millions of wild birds are banded around the world each year.


Bird banding is a non-invasive, long-term method of observing and studying birds without interfering with their natural behavior. This practice provides conservationists and ornithologists with vital information that can be used to protect critical bird habitats and pass other conservation measures so birding will always be available to enjoy.



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